Pengumuman Rilis Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM

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Nama Barang Lensa  Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM
Harga $129.000
Penjelasan Singkat Canon telah mengumumkan update terbaru untuk lensa jenis 50mm f/1.8, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM. Dibandingkan dengan 50mm f/1.8 II pendahulunya, Lensa Canon 50mm f/1.8 STM mengintegrasikan step motor untuk operasi autofocus lebih tenang, diafragma bulat dengan 7-blade, jarak fokus minimum 35cm. 
Kode Barang -
Mungkin ini lensa terbaik dari semuanya, tapi kabar gembiranya update ini tidak diikuti dengan kenaikan harga yang signifikan - Lensa Canon 50mm f / 1.8 STM hanya berharga $129, sehingga ini mungkin lensa yang paling terjangkau dari seri lensa Canon EF di pasaran. Kinerja-bagus, dan akan sangat mirip dengan pendahulunya.

Agan dapat melihat informasi teknis tentang lensa ini, bersama dengan grafik MTF dan konstruksi lensa Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM dalam database lensa canon dapat di klik disini. Berikut adalah siaran pers resmi, bersama dengan informasi order di amazon:

Official Press Release

London, UK, 11 May 2015 – Canon today unveils the EF 50mm f/1.8 STM, a new prime lens that enables you to capture images with subjects that pop from the scene, or create impact with beautiful background blur. The successor to the incredibly popular EF 50mm f/1.8 II, and an ideal second lens for anyone looking to take their photography to the next level, the EF 50mm F/1.8 STM excels at portraiture, low-light photography, and adding an artistic edge to everyday objects and settings, thanks to its wide f/1.8 maximum aperture and 50mm focal length.
The EF 50mm f/1.8 STM now features an improved design, Canon’s super spectra lens coating, a 7-blade aperture and STM technology for smooth, near silent focusing. Compact, lightweight and affordable, the EF 50mm f/1.8 STM is a welcome addition to any kit bag for people who want to create more impactful imagery.
Explore creative portraiture and low-light photography
It’s easy to capture superb portraits, or bold, artistic photos and movies with the new lens – the wide f/1.8 maximum aperture provides precise control over depth of field. It gives you the creative freedom to pinpoint focus on your subject and let the rest of the frame blend into a smooth blur – instantly allowing you to draw the viewer’s attention to a specific area. Additionally, the aperture lets more light into the lens, so you can comfortably shoot in darker conditions.
As a prime lens, the fixed 50mm focal length provides high quality results, with enhanced visible sharpness and contrast. When paired with an APS-C EOS DSLR, the lens is ideal for portraiture, helping you capture the perfect head and shoulder composition. It’s also a useful every day ‘standard’ lens for full frame DSLRs and is great at shooting a diverse range of subjects with a natural viewpoint and perspective.
The lens also provides a minimum focusing distance of just 0.35m, allowing you to get even closer to subjects and achieve a greater level of magnification, while the 7-blade aperture delivers beautiful blur and out of focus highlights. Providing enhanced image quality when compared to its predecessor, the lens features Canon’s Super Spectra Coating, which minimises internal reflections, as well as ghosting and flare.
The perfect addition to any kit bag
The lens has a compact and lightweight design, weighing a mere 160g, and easily slips into your bag adding very little to the overall weight of your kit. The lens’s new external design compliments both Canon’s consumer and mid-range EOS DSLRs, while the new metal mount provides a more robust connection to camera bodies. Additionally, the lens’s manual focusing ring gives you added freedom to control the precise area in focus in your photos and movies.
EF 50mm f/1.8 STM key benefits:
  • A fantastic lens for portraits
  • Fast, virtually silent focusing
  • A great performer in low-light conditions
  • Super-sharp image quality
  • Compact ‘go-everywhere’ design

Informasi Pemesanan

Seperti biasa, lensa ini mesti didatangkan dari amazon, Agan bisa klik disini untuk beli

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